Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Digital Storytelling

I just went to a really cool seminar on "Digital Storytelling." Digital storytelling uses Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements to convey short (3 1/2 minute) visual narratives. Students write a 375 narrative (or condense a longer version) and record a reading of it, collect images, edit photos, and assemble sound/music and graphics. Still photos, film clips, and other media can be used.

This concept can be used for students in developmental and transfer-level writing courses (I envision it as value-added component for EN 101!), and does not have to be a narrative. Digital creations can focus on practically anything. This seminar focused on personal, historical, natural, social, and culture topics, but that doesn't mean other modes cannot be explored through digital technology.

Brian and Kelly, I know you have more technical expertise than I do, and I won't bore all of you with the details, but feel free to drop me a line if you have questions (copyright, technical, methods...). The facilitator of the seminar handed out comprehensive information and helpful step-by-step procedures.

Check out this website to see more: www.cvcc.edu/digital_storytelling

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of using it for EN101 papers. Studnets can see if they can make sense of their own writing and follow thier own thinking when they have to illustrate it.
