Monday, July 5, 2010

Week 1 Wrap-Up

Week 1 ended and here's the Top-5 List (in the future, I'll try to post more now that I have this blog up and running):

5. Dorm life isn't horrible, even for a quasi-germaphobe. The same rules apply to a dorm room as a hotel room: don't walk around barefoot, Lysol disinfectant is your best friend, ignore the smells (stale beer and sweat in the case of room 143) of the previous tenants.

4. Campus food isn't horrible. I've never been a "foodie," but cafeteria food ain't so bad. I think it was Groucho Marx that said, "The food at this restaurant is horrible. And, the portions are too small."

3. It's nice being a student again ("officially")!

2. I have realized that teachers become just like their students when the roles are reversed. Case and point: wanting access to cell phones in the classroom.

1. They call "dorms" "residence halls" now, but the old rule of "no open beer containers" is still applicable.

I'll write more later about some substantial things we have discussed and found out so far at the institute.

Until then...


  1. Glad you're enjoying reliving dorm-life. Don't come back with the freshman 15!

  2. I had the same experience last month at Chapman University. Only for a week, though.
